
Types of Home Inspections

Detached Home Inspection

A thorough home inspection can generally take between 2-4 hours, based on size and complexity. The homes systems: exterior, interior, and mechanical are visually inspected and assessed. A summary report is reviewed with clients immediately and a comprehensive report is available within 24 hours.


Townhome inspections can take between 2-4 hours. The inspector will assess the external building as well as the interior and mechanical systems. A summary report is reviewed with clients immediately and a comprehensive report is available within 24 hours.


A condo takes 1.5-3 hours to complete a home inspection. The methods applied and the specialized tools used are the same as for other inspection types. A summary report is reviewed with clients immediately and a comprehensive report is available within 24 hours.

Mobile or Trailer Home

An in-depth mobile home inspection takes 1.5-3 hours. A thorough assessment of the exterior, interior, and mechanical is done using appropriate methods and specialized tools, including moisture detection. A summary report is reviewed with clients immediately and a comprehensive report is available within 24 hours.

Contact us for information regarding specialized inspections for acreages.​

Benefits of Home Inspection

Inspection is protection

Real estate purchase is one of the most significant financial commitments made during our lifetimes. A home or property purchase can often be stressful, with many unknowns. Our inspectors are here to help you understand and evaluate the home of your choice. A home inspection gives you objective, current information and real time data about the home you are hoping to own.

Consumers are well protected in British Columbia when purchasing home inspector services. Home Inspectors must complete a rigours ten-step process to become licensed in BC and follow a code of ethics. Check out our Links page to learn more about this process and other useful info!

Book Your Home Inspection